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The kidoky is an obscure cryptid that inhabits the dry deciduous forests and shrublands of the Menabe region of central-western Madagascar. The first detailed written description of the kidoky was from Dr. David Burney and Ramilisonina H.'s interviews with various locals in the Morondava District in 1998.

Various people described an animal called a kidoky, a large lemur-like primate. Though often compared to a sifaka in general appearance, all the interviewees "insisted it was not the same animal." Unlike sifakas, which average six to seven pounds, they were much larger, being around the size of an eight-year-old (55 lbs). Kidokys are also said to have a dark coat, with white patches of hair above and below the face, which is round and human-like. Kidokys also differ from sifakas in behaviour, as they are entirely ground-dwelling, not even climbing trees when being pursued, unlike sifakas, which are arboreal. 

Due to their large size and whooping vocalizations, Burney and Ramilisonina's article speculated the kidoky is an unknown population of indri, not normally thought to live in western Madagascar. Unlike indris, however, kidokys are said to be ground-dwelling and weigh more than twice as much. 

In cryptozoologist George Eberhart's book Mysterious Creatures: a Guide to Cryptzoology, he speculates the kidoky may be a surviving population of archaeolemur, a genus of lemurs that, like the kidoky, were ground-dwelling and around 55 pounds. Archaeolemurs are thought to have died out less than 300 years before European arrival in the 16th century. The only problem with this theory is that archaeolemurs were quadrupedal, unlike the kidoky, which hopped upright similar to contemporary sifakas and indris.

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