Popcorn Fish
The Popcorn Fish is a cryptid inhabiting the Peel River and the rest of its watershed in the Gwich'in Nation in the Yukon, about 500 kilometres northeast of Whitehorse. The first known report of the popcorn fish was in the summer of 1953, when a geological survey party caught an unusual fish with large bumps on its head, which resembled popcorn, hence its unusual name. One of the members who was the cook, Al Martin cooked the fish and promptly shared it with the geological survey party. Dr Cas Lindsay of the university of British Columbia, a freshwater fish specialist with Dr Don McPhail set out to find the fish in the area, but found none. Since the peel watershed is uninhabited, the only sightings come from Bush Pilots and explorers. One of the lakes where Drs Lindsay and Mcphail did their research, has since been named Popcorn Fish Lake.